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The Nullarbor has been proclaimed a Wilderness Protection Area by the Governor and is now law. “The Nullarbor Wilderness Protection Area will cover 900,000ha, the same size as the famous Yellowstone National Park in the USA, making this a grand initiative.”



The State Budget has ignored climate change and the environment, according to the Conservation Council of South Australia, the state's peak body for conservation.
While the rest of the world is looking at ways to stop waste, the South Australian Goverment is closing down Zero Waste SA, the award winning, world leader in waste reduction, based here in South Australia.
It was the South Australian town Tony Abbott warned would be wiped out by the carbon tax. But almost a year since the tax began, it's Whyalla's renewable energy plans that's taken a hit, with the Commonwealth withdrawing funding for a solar thermal power plant.
A group of Port Augusta residents will today make their case before a South Australian Government enquiry for the building of a solar thermal plant in the city.
South Australia's rural landscape is on the brink of massive change as the world scrambles for new sources of petroleum. And with an estimated 396 trillion cubic feet of natural gas sitting untapped beneath the surface, the State Government is eager to deliver.
The South Australian Government says it is only days away from signing up to a funding agreement for the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.
A decision on whether a proposed wind farm between the Barossa Valley and Mid Murray regions will go ahead is now with the Planning Minister.

Figures in a government report show the Green Triangle region has reduced its dependence on the forestry industry for employment.
A new daily passenger ferry service for Kangaroo Island is planned to start late next year. The Makris Group, headed by property developer Con Makris, has been planning the new ferry service from Glenelg to Kingscote for several years and has engaged Caj Amadio as project co-ordinator.
Monarto Zoo is pleased to announce it has one male and two female lion cubs, which was confirmed during the cubs' first vet check on the morning of Wednesday 5 June.
An area almost 80 times the size of the Melbourne Cricket Ground will be planted with native seedlings, shrubs, and grasses in one of Australia’s most important wetlands during the next three months. The plantings are underway in South Australia’s iconic Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth region.

Bianca Amato, Arid Recovery intern, writes about her thoughts on Australia’s current conservation crisis.

Great Australian Bight Marine Park is now closed for all boats due to the start of the southern right whale breeding season.
Nature Foundation SA's annual Walk for Nature is held in the Mount Lofty Ranges, meandering along the Heysen Trail through Mount George Conservation Park. Check out the video from last year.

Friends of Para Wirra Recreation Park - Join the Friends for a morning of weeding followed by lunch then settle in for a talk. Saturday June 15th meet at 9am, shared lunch 12pm, talk to follow at 1pm.



World-renowned natural historian and broadcaster Sir David Attenborough has been forced to cancel his Australian tour to undergo emergency heart surgery.

It is the hidden, horrible secret of Orroroo - a water supply that wrecks pipes, toilets, showers and hot-water systems. And, to add insult to injury, residents are paying a River Murray Levy for the bore water that is pumped to their homes from just outside the town.

Rex Minerals is close to securing a $565 million investment for its proposed copper and gold project near Ardrossan on Yorke Peninsula.

Kangaroo Island Council again commends Federal Environment Minister Tony Burke for his decision to conduct a full federal environmental assessment of the seismic survey proposed 100km west of Kangaroo Island as part of petroleum exploration. 

While South Australia's farmers are still basking in the happiness of last weekend's rain, climatologists haven't stopped talking about it either.

A new report has found that the profits of the world's biggest miners have slumped by nearly half since 2011 as the mining boom peaks.

A leading Australian academic says there is no credible evidence to support the theory that wind turbines cause disease.

The wind-farm industry received another boost today with a peer reviewed science paper debunking claims that living near wind turbines can make you sick. 

A study shows that Australia is sitting on vast resources of shale gas, but better regulation and lower infrastructure costs will be needed to develop a large-scale industry.

Almost 4 million Australian homes now powered by renewable energy.

The Opposition's attempt to kill off management plans for the new Commonwealth marine park network failed last night in the House of Representatives.

A row has broken out between animal rights groups and farmers over Coles supermarkets promoting a campaign against factory farming.

Regional dairy farming leaders have claimed the nation was on the cusp of a “dining boom” in Asia and farmgate prices were expected to lift next financial year, which could stimulate the embattled industry.

The new National Curriculum is a great opportunity to put agriculture and food issues into Australian classrooms, but getting all students to study a subject called 'agriculture' is unrealistic.

An aquaculture industry beach monitoring and cleanup program has collected more than 12,000 kg of debris in its first year and is now looking to expand. The Adopt a Beach program was created to address concerns from the Eyre Peninsula community about aquaculture-related marine debris.

Bird watcher Ken McPhee said he believed Peacocks were behind the disappearance of baby curlews at the Bordertown Wildlife Park and an expert backed his claim.

The Adelaide Hills Council is considering adopting a Tree Management Policy. The Policy will outline the Council's position on a number of tree related matters, including its powers, duties and functions under the Local Government Act 1999.

SARDI soil diagnostics has made national headlines with Research Chief Dr Kathy Ophel Keller winning the 2013 AUSVEG Researcher of the Year Award. 

The Waite Research Institute, GRDC, and Australian Society of Soil Science Inc are presenting a workshop on ‘Chemistry, amelioration and management of alkaline soils’ at the Waite Campus on Thursday, 27th of June.

Wednesday, 19th. COOTS Workshop A look at the introduced weeds that are threatening native plants.

Read the Winter Edition of ReLeaf from Trees For Life



A campaign has reached Australia, with the founder, US environmentalist Bill McKibben, on a tour trying to convince community groups, universities and churches to stop investing in fossil fuel companies. 

A new industry push to have seismic testing recognised as a threat to marine environments demonstrates the need to protect Kangaroo Island’s unique wildlife from oil and gas exploration, says SA Australian Greens Senator Penny Wright.

Accusations of cover-ups and misrepresentations have emerged on both sides of the debate about oil exploration off the west of Kangaroo Island.

A theory that suggests banned aerosol gases are to blame for global warming, not carbon dioxide, has been questioned by climate scientists.

Some pastoralists in South Australia's north are reporting drought breaking rains and the best start to winter for several decades.

South Australian irrigators will receive their full allocation of water in 2012/13. Despite the dry conditions experienced over the past six months, South Australia will get the full River Murray Entitlement Flow of 1850 gigalitres.

A Government taskforce says an increase in water temperatures, a harmful algal bloom and a virus resulted in a mass fish death and also dolphin deaths in local waters.

Recreational fishers will work with the South Australian Government on a survey to see whether catfish numbers in the River Murray have recovered.

Coles has created a social media controversy by running a campaign for the lobby group Animals Australia.

Conservationists are raising concerns about the Government's handling of a 240,000 litre oil spill in the state's south-west. The oil leaked from a Santos project in the Cooper Basin, near the floodplains that feed Lake Eyre.

A BIKE trail through nine of Mitcham's reserves will result in tourism and health benefits, local cyclists and the CEO of BikeSA say.

Measures have been taken to support native fish numbers in the wetlands near the River Torrens outlet in Adelaide's western suburbs.