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Monday, 24th December 2012


Reaction to environment budget cuts.
www.abc.net.au/news  Source: ABC TV NEWS

The fire threat across southern Australia has eased after several blazes threatened communities and caused evacuations.
www.abc.net.au/news/  Source: ABC NEWS

Recreational fishers along the River Murray are being warned to follow the rules and regulations, after multiple offences were detected in recent weeks.
www.pir.sa.gov.au/pirsa/  Source: Primary Industries and Regions SA

EZ Earth will be broadcasting a livestream on Christmas Day from the Sea Shepherd ship, showing you ship life like you've never seen IT before.
www.seashepherd.org/news-  Source: Sea Shepherd

Goolwa has won the Keep Australia Beautiful, Australian Clean Beaches Award 2012. 
http://www.kesab.asn.au/news/  Source: KESAB

Registrations are now open for Clean Up Australia Day, held on Sunday 3rd March 2013.
http://www.cleanupaustraliaday.org.au/  Source: Clean Up Australia Day

14 Last Minute Christmas Gifts for the Green Procrastinator
inhabitat.com/14  Source: Inhabitat


The Tasmanian Opposition leader Will Hodgman is backing Tony Abbott's plan to scrap the carbon tax, despite warnings it will cost the state up to $70 million a year.
www.abc.net.au/news  Source: ABC NEWS
The West Australian Department of Fisheries says it will conduct further research on a marine heatwave that has been linked to a recent spate of fatal shark attacks in Western Australia.
www.abc.net.au/news/  Source: ABC NEWS

The NSW government seems to have embraced trams as a public transport solution.
www.ppt.asn.au/pubdocs/  Source: People for Public Transport

A tribute to Australian microbiologist Nancy Millis who died 29 September 2012
www.abc.net.au/radionational  Source: ABC Radio National

It has often be said that we know more about the surface of the moon than we do about much of what lies beneath the ocean waves, so how come we know so little about the vast majority of our own planet? 
www.abc.net.au/radionational/  Source: ABC Radio National

The orchid–dandelion hypothesis suggests that the genes and traits that underlie some of our greatest weaknesses, like despair and difficult behaviour, could also underlie our more positive aspects, like optimism and resilience. 
www.abc.net.au/radionational  Source: ABC Radio National

The Summer 2012/13 edition of Wildlife Matters is now available online.
http://www.australianwildlife.org/  Source: Australian Wildlife Conservancy

Australians have forgotten the art of turning leftovers into meals and we now throw out $8 billion of edible food each year, an advocacy group says.
www.smh.com.au/national  Source: The Sydney Morning Herald


A New Zealand-led team of scientists has drilled through more than 760m of Antarctic ice to bedrock in a bid to unearth a detailed record of 30,000 years of climate change.
bigpondnews.com/articles  Source: BigPond News

US federal health regulators say a genetically engineered salmon that grows twice as fast as normal is unlikely to harm the environment.
bigpondnews.com/articles/  Source: BigPond News
Climate change may not be forever, but it’ll be for a long, long time. Who — or what — will be around thousands or millions of years hence, when the consequences of our casually massive carbon emissions are still playing out? And do we owe them anything?
grist.org/climate-energy  Source: Grist.org

When Cape Gannets drop from the air at great speed and plunge dive beneath the waves to catch fish, they do so with spectacular beauty and grace – as these photos show.
www.environmentalgraffiti.com/animals  Source: Environmentalgraffiti.com

Wind-turbine installations are poised to exceed natural gas-fueled power plants in the U.S. for the first time this year as developers race to complete projects before a renewable energy tax credit expires.
www.bloomberg.com/news  Source: Bloomberg

Audi recently celebrated its world's first industrial plant for generating e-gas from CO2 and renewable electricity.
green.autoblog.com/2012  Source: autobloggreen

Faced with the threat of horse-mounted Sudanese elephant poachers armed with machine guns, the central African nation has deployed military helicopters and 600 soldiers to try to protect the park and its animals.
worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news  Source: NBC News

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