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Sunday, 23rd December 2012


Total fire bans are in place across most of the state till midnight due to expected soaring temperatures and severe or extreme weather conditions.
www.adelaidenow.com.au/news  Source: adelaidenow

The South Australian Government announced in its mid-year budget review that Zero Waste SA would be outsourced, with funding reduced from $8 million to a $1 million annual grant. In another environment program cut, the South Australian Government is taking $29.2 million from its backing of the Murray-Darling Basin Authority.
www.abc.net.au/news/  Source: ABC News

Milk supplies could be under threat this Christmas after pay negotiations broke down at Dairy Farmers’ biggest Queensland plant.

au.news.yahoo.com/sa/latest  Source: 7News Adelaide

Michael Clarke says blanket recommendations of how much land should be burned as hazard reduction are made without any knowledge of how fauna will respond in local areas. 
www.abc.net.au/radionational  Source: ABC Radio National

Kevin Trenberth, a senior scientist from the US National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado visited Australia recently and spoke at the University of New South Wales.  He points to recent surveys finding that 97% of scientists consider global warming to be a 
severe problem.
www.abc.net.au/radionational  Source ABC Radio National

In conjunction with 
bankmecu, the Alternative Technology Association (ATA) presents the latest free sustainability webinar on energy efficient lighting options for the home.
www.ata.org.au/news/  Source: Alternative Technology Association


Researchers mapping the sea floor near the Great Barrier Reef say they've made an ominous discovery. They've found a giant slab of sea-floor that's in the early stages of collapse. They say it'll break off one day and when it does it could trigger a tsunami that could hit the North Queensland coast.
www.abc.net.au/am/content Source: ABC News

Water supplies in Denman have reduced significantly in recent weeks and now residents are being urged to cut back their usage. The shortage is being blamed on a broken water main, reduced production at the town's water treatment plant because of maintenance works, and a spike in demand for water after several hot days.
www.abc.net.au/news Source: ABC News

What if instead of putting your rubbish out on the kerb it could instead be used to power your home? That's what one company is hoping to achieve within the next five years.
www.abc.net.au/news  Source: ABC News

The Tasmanian Government has approved another mine in the Tarkine. The decision comes just days after the Federal Government approved a new mine on the Tarkine coast. 
www.abc.net.au/pm  Source: ABC PM

The current method of removing carbon dioxide from power plant exhaust  uses a liquid. Paul Webley describes a new approach using the mineral, zeolite.
www.abc.net.au/radionational Source ABC Radio National

From the awards ceremony dinner, 2012 Prime Minister’s science prize winner Ken Freeman and Nobel Prize winning physicist Brian Schmidt discuss what we know and what we don’t know about dark matter and dark energy.
www.abc.net.au/radionational  Source ABC Radio National

While John Logie Baird is widely credited with inventing television, the concept was developed much earlier in Ballarat Victoria by Henry Sutton. 
www.abc.net.au/radionational  Source ABC Radio National

A consistent theme running through Professor Marcia Langton's recent Boyer Lectures is the idea that the environment movement is standing in the way of indigenous empowerment and that conservationists are "new colonisers under a green flag". The accusation is way off the mark, writes ACF's Leah Talbot and Dave Sweeney.
www.acfonline.org.au/news  Source: Australia Conservation Foundation

Barry O'Farrell has been warned of a ''major risk'' that bushwalkers and NSW parks staff will be killed or seriously injured if the state government goes ahead with its plan to allow amateur hunters into national parks
www.smh.com.au/nsw  Source: Sydney Morning Herald


A vicious cold snap has claimed nearly 200 lives across Russia and eastern Europe, and forecasters say the freeze could last until Christmas Eve.
www.abc.net.au/news/2012 Source: ABC News

A powerful earthquake has been reported off the Vanuatu islands. Geoscience Australia says the quake had a magnitude of 6.6 with a depth of about 200 kilometres. www.abc.net.au/news/2012-   Source: Australia Network News

New Guinea's birds of paradise are some of nature's great showmen. For centuries they've fascinated adventurers, researchers and armchair naturalists. But it wasn't until recently that 
all 39 species were documented.
www.abc.net.au/am/content/  Source: ABC AM

NASA has gathered its top images from 2012. We've selected our favorites to highlight how amazing it is to be able to follow the movement, mysteries, and changes of both our planet and other objects and phenomena in our solar system and universe. www.treehugger.com/slideshows/  Source: treehugger.com

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