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Monday, 25th February 2013


By 2048 scientists predict the oceans will be empty. Why? Is it due to supertrawlers? No. It is due to pollution? No. So who is responsible? We are.

The amazing story of how solar has allowed millions of Australians to take back control of their energy bills.

Climatology needs to stop hiding behind long-term trends and explain what is in plain sight, and why variations in the rate of warming might be important.

Studies Show Microwaves Drastically Reduce Nutrients In Food

Fin Free Adelaide is committed to putting an end to the shark fin trade in Adelaide and South Australia.

Believe it or not, the majority of typical building's cooling load is from solar heat gain through windows, which is why they have been dubbed 'thermal holes' in the past. Untreated windows can be responsible for as much as 87 per cent heat gain inside a room. EnerLogic Window Film does more than any film in history with 93-95% thermal reflection.

On a stop-over in Thailand, CSIRO scientist Laurie Corbettnoticed some familiar-looking, ginger dogs wandering the streets. This encounter set him thinking about the origins of Australia’s dingoes.

The next SA Herpetology Group field survey has been decided! This year we are heading to Bon Bon Station Reserve, out past Port Augusta, over the Easter break. Only SAHG members are able to attend but it's never too late to become a member!

Flowers may be silent, but scientists have just discovered that electric fields allow them to communicate with bumblebees and possibly other species, including humans.

Interested to know more about the fish that live in West Torrens waterways and what we’re doing to help sustain aquatic life? Join us on this free bus tour and see for yourself. Saturday 23 March

A new Facebook page all about sharing what's going on in your part of the world. Sharing petitions, peaceful protests and love for the planet.


Watch new video of the Nisshin Maru launching exploding "flash bang" concussion grenades at Sea Shepherd ships in close proximity to a highly explosive fuel tanker.

Sea Shepherd Australia offers Operation Zero Tolerance Collision Statement addressing the negligence of Nisshin Maru Captain Tomoyuki Ogawa, who risked over a hundred lives that day, and has not had to answer to anyone for his reckless ramming of four ships in one hour.

"We hear again and again about how heavily the Coal Seam Gas Industry is regulated. We have had supposedly the best of the best out to test our water bore, the same people that regulate the CSG Industry. They're either corrupt or totally incompetent. Either way, there is no regulation and our clips prove it."

This is a very well done documentary on whats in store for Australia when it comes to coalseam gas.

Researchers at Southern Cross University have used a specialised measuring device and recorded elevated levels of methane in the air above the Tara gasfield in Queensland. A graphic which shows what the coal seam gas mining industry claims is happening and what is actually happening.

Communities to celebrate three months of sustained peaceful protest against CSG in the Northern Rivers

Dirty fossil fuel exports will come back to bite Australia. Australian coal and gas is being shipped and burned around Asia at record rates – but at what cost to the climate?

Conservationists say it appears the Queensland Government is gearing up for a bat cull after an eight-year-old died from lyssavirus on Friday.

An blog from Stuart Johnson, member of the crack hunting team of the Tasmanian Parks & Wildlife’s rabbit and rodent eradication program, based on Macquarie Island.

Today's the second anniversary of raising awareness for Australia's most endangered bird, the Orange-bellied Parrot. Wish them happy birthday by 'liking' the page!

Trust for Nature featured on the ABCs Bush Telegraph this morning with an interview about the protection of Tootgarook Swamp.

A HUGE THANK YOU to all the search and rescuers without your help so many kangaroos and their joeys would be left to suffer and face starvation, you are our heroes!


Conservationists warn that unless action is taken soon, Africa's iconic herds of elephants could disappear from the landscape. "If we do not turn the situation around quickly, the future of the elephant in Africa is doomed," said Professor Lee White.

The Chinese government on Friday promised to support Kenya’s conservationist efforts amid dwindling number of the country’s elephants due to increased poaching.

Wildlife authorities in India's Assam State are getting seriously tough on rhino poachers, adopting 300 new rangers and a shoot-on-sight policy.

The Chinese Government has acknowledged so-called "cancer villages" for the first time in an official report on pollution and public health.

Mongolia will host this year's World Environment Day (WED) celebration on 5 June, which will focus on reducing food waste and loss, the United Nations announced today.

Last night, Sophia Bush, Emmy Rossum, Orlando Bloom, Willie Nelson,Miranda Kerr and Helen Hunt were among the guests who joined H&M and Global Green USA to celebrate their partnership and the kickoff of H&M’s global garment recycling program at Global Green’s 10th annual Pre-Oscar party.

Ben Whitford reports on an unlikely yet growing movement in the U.S. which embraces the Christian God but also preaches protection of, rather than dominion over, the natural world.

Dolphins Help Save Dog from Drowning!

This translucent sea squirt was spotted by Blogie Robillo at a dive site called Hammerhead Alley, off the eastern coast of Samal Island.

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