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Saturday, 23rd February 2013


Bight Petroleum, the Operator of petroleum exploration permits EPP-41 and EPP-42 offshore in the Great Australian Bight, will submit a new Referral for approval of its survey under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act on Friday, March 1. A spokesman said the decision to wait a week before resubmitting its Referral is to give stakeholders greater time to review relevant documents, which have been placed on the Bight website

Beverage and packaging producers led by Coca Cola have stopped effective government action across Australia and have even taken the Northern Territory Government to court over their system which has already seen increased recycling rates. In the coming weeks Environment Ministers will decide whether to make a recycling refund scheme national. Help make this possible. Sign and spread this petition.

Lung cancer rates and respitory illnesses have again been linked to the operation of coal-fired power stations in Port Augusta. The issue of air quality in the city was raised at the latest Port Augusta City Council Operations Committee meeting.

EPA science and assessment director Peter Dolan says a new study into wind farm infrasound would be comprehensive and hi-tech. It was launched because some members of the Waterloo community believed the 37-turbine wind farm that was established in 2010 had created health problems.

Members of the Yorke Peninsula community have until March 28 to state their case on a proposed wind farm near Curramulka.

A study has concluded many McLaren Vale wine producers are leading the world in preparing for future climate change.

There have been rallies in many cities, including on the steps of Parliament in Adelaide, to protest over the traditional killing of thousands of dolphins by the Japanese.

Mining company Iron Road are pushing ahead with their ‘Central Eyre Iron Project’ near Wudinna, with many hoping it will lead to increased development in the region.

The South Australian Government's commercials to promote the state's new marine parks have hit a snag after it was pointed out the talent carries a crab net into a marine park area that does not allow such fishing methods.

A proposed plan to implement 28 ‘no wash’ zones along the River Murray has received mixed feelings in the Riverland community despite assurances boat and jet ski activities will not be banned in the zones.

A local woman wants the Tatiara District Council to display formal warnings when it culls pest Galahs after she witnessed birds being shot and then clubbed to death.

Burnside Council seeks support to have wind turbines banned from suburban backyards.

Minton Farm reports a spike in the number of native animals injured by domestic pets.

An organic farming certifier has withdrawn its registration of 16 farm products, after banned chemicals were detected.

The architect of a new Federal Government scheme to promote conservation farming is confident the program will run until 2015, even if there's a change in government.

Pacific Hydro is hoping a decision on its proposed wind farm between the Barossa Valley and Mid Murray region will be made by the middle of this year.

SA Water says it will help the development of a new inland saline prawn farm near Waikerie.

New push to save Rundle Mall trees

With electricity prices continuing to rise, dairy farmers are looking at ways to reduce their energy costs. Nick Bullock and his team have audited more than 500 farms across the country during the past four years.

Two men have been convicted and fined $1880 each, for exceeding the daily limit of King George Whiting, following an investigation by PIRSA Fisheries and Aquaculture.

A milestone in the quest to restore the Murray-Darling to health, with landholders, governments, environment groups and Murray River communities collaborating to return 100 megalitres of water to Clark’s floodplain in South Australia.

Federal Water Minister Tony Burke has told NSW to drop its demand for a cap on water buybacks or be locked out of millions in infrastructure funding linked to the historic plan to save the Murray-Darling Basin.

The State Government is "looking into" catfish research which would explore the potential for local fishers to contribute to population monitoring.

A new community nursery could help boost volunteer numbers around Murray Bridge and bring much needed support to important environmental areas in the region.

With the help of volunteers, the Wakefield River is ready to get a new chapter in its history with work beginning this year to address critical threats along a 25km section of its banks.

The Adelaide Council Nursery is on Memorial Drive for this weekend's free e-waste drop off, here's a Google Maps link to help with directions.

You have exactly 2 weeks to enter the Australian Geographic ANZANG Nature Photographer of the Year competition! Don't miss out on your chance to have your nature photographs exhibited and win some amazing prizes!

Important information for Barossa irrigators 

The Trees for Life Summer Bush Action Team calendar has officially started so if you're interested in getting outdoors with a great group of people with the aim of helping our bushland, give us a call.

Calling all Adelaide Activists- register for this year's Skillshare now.

Reef Watch volunteers and staff will be monitoring at Ceduna (25th Feb.), Tumby Bay (26th Feb.) and Innes National Park (28th Feb.) intertidal reef - give Carl a call on 0466278187 if you would like to get involved.

The Biology Society of SA are hosting a BBQ for new and old members. Everyone is welcome to attend, including non-members. Come check us out and if the society takes your fancy you may like to consider signing up.

The Natural History Society are looking for volunteers to help with weeding on their Cullen reserve near Robe over Easter.

Kangaroo Island beaches have appeared in the last two editions of ‘101 Best Australian Beaches’ based on their unspoilt beauty and special features. Now there is an opportunity for residents and visitors to help maintain the condition of Kangaroo Island’s iconic beaches by removing litter that is unsightly and endangers the lives of our birds and marine life.

Danggali Conservation Park and Wilderness Protection Area, Cooltong and Pooginook Conservation Parks and Gluepot Reserve will be closed for a feral goat aerial control program from 6pm on Sunday 24 February to 6pm on Friday 1 March.

Thanks to a dedicated band of volunteers, work is underway on the restoration of Stonyfell Creek in Ferguson Conservation Park in Adelaide’s eastern foothill suburbs.

Robe Coastcare and Friends of Shorebirds SE volunteers have fenced off areas on Robe beaches that accommodate threatened shorebird nests.

Energy levels rather than size determines which male golden orb-web spiders are more likely to father offspring, new research shows.

Southern blue ringed octopus video.

Wood ducks have a number of different tactics which they adopt when sensing the brood is threatened.

Fitting peacocks with radio tracking collars is one of the strategies being employed by Natural Resources Kangaroo Island staff to learn more about their movements and habits.

A native blue-banded bee. Another wonderful Martin Stokes pic.

River Murray Weekly Flow Report


"We were the first community in Queensland to take on a mining company and win - and we're really proud of that," said Sally McCreath, a key force in the Friends of Felton group that fought the project for years.

The Japanese government says its relationship with Australia is not at risk of being weakened, despite conflicts between whaling vessels and Sea Shepherd activists this week.

Voices across the Hunter and NSW have been speaking out this week against the far-reaching consequences of Environment Minister Tony Burke’s recent decision to approve two large coalmines in the state’s north.

A long term study of biodiversity in Tasmanian working forests will have implications for not just Tasmanian, but mainland forest management.

The WA Liberal party will spend $20-million to help fast track mining approvals if it is re-elected to govern in a fortnight.

WA Labor says it would create a new marine park and a national park in the Kimberley if it wins the March election.

WA Labor's proposed Independent Office of Animal Welfare will aim to seize control of live exports and the plans are “well advanced”, according to one of its chief architects, Fremantle Labor MP Melissa Parke.

The east coast fishing industry is holding its collective breath as tests are being done on shellfish, following the reappearance of an algal bloom in Great Oyster Bay.

The cane toad continues to make new ground in WA with it being estimated the pest will reach the Fitzroy catchment in the North in the next few weeks.

A private company that develops reafforestation projects to earn carbon credits says the newly approved Reforestation and Afforestation Methodology opens the way for valuable forestry projects in Tasmania.

A new team of hunters, dogs and their handlers are about to leave for Macquarie Island, on the last phase of a multi-million-dollar pest eradication program.

The rush is on for goat milk, with order books for dairy goat studs full. Growing demand for goat milk and goat milk cheeses is generating more interest in goat keeping.

Carving a four lane freeway through the bush hardly sounds like the best way to save a small rare lizard.

Over the next 12 months Western Australian farmers will have the opportunity to utilise "Weed Smart", a new campaign that encourages the sustainable use of herbicide, along with non-chemical weed control measures.

Jonathan Moylan and reports of the recent Whitehaven Hoax raise difficult and important questions for us all - about law, politics and morality in the 21st century, a time where climate change poses new challenges for our laws and our leaders.

Solar power shines in south-west Queensland.

Have you ever wondered why coral reef fishes are so brilliantly coloured and bizarrely patterned? A quick flick through any coral reef fish guide will leave you bewildered and awed.

How's the 'mimicry' of this beautiful moth looking like a curled & dying leaf? Believe it or not, it's wings were perfectly FLAT despite the apparent shadows and highlights.

Check out this amazing orphaned Northern Quoll story from Parks Australia.

Chris Head from Whiteheads Creek snapped a picture of a determined echidna helping himself to a drink from Chris's stock trough.

There are more than 40 conservation properties with conservation covenants in place for sale on our website. If you are dreaming of owning your own patch to protect native plants and wildlife.

6 of the world’s 7 species of marine turtle call the Kimberley home. Want to see that protected? Let WA's political leaders know.


The chairman of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is warning that some parts of the world are already at the tipping point for dangerous climate change. 

"Possible a new fault was opened up from BP disaster in Gulf", says oceanographer — “Potential for an indefinite release of oil”?

"Japan has vowed to continue its whale hunt in the Southern Ocean after clashes with the militant conservationist Sea Shepherd group, which claimed Tokyo had been forced to end the program."

Take strong action to stop the Japanese from killing whales in the Southern Ocean Antarctic Whale Sanctuary.

This video is about an island in the ocean at 2000 km from any other coast line. Nobody lives, only birds and yet ............... You will not believe your eyes!!!!!!!

Killer kittens: U.S. cats kill up to 25 billion birds and small mammals per year

The most dangerous substance in the world is barely mentioned in the school curriculum. Coal.

A project to map the geography of Tonga, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea and Samoa to monitor rising sea levels has begun. The project uses laser equipment to create a 3D map of the islands showing ground elevation, vegetation, canopy height and building placement.

Indonesia has announced a new shark and manta ray sanctuary, the first to protect the species in the rich marine ecosystem of the Coral Triangle, known as the "Amazon of the ocean".

More catching up tomorrow...

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