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Sad Day for South Australia

Zoos SA is planning to close Warrawong Sanctuary at the end of the month.

ABC article

Founded by John Walmsley with Proo Geddes, Warrawong Sanctuary was a jewel in our conservation crown. Earth Sanctuaries made us aware of the importance of having weed and feral free areas, to protect and save flora and fauna.

Zoos SA says it's revenue was severely hampered as it could not offer accommodation during the bushfire danger season. I will find out today who has enforced this law, surely all people that live in the Adelaide Hills will have to find alternative accommodation in bushfire season.

Warrawong was a shining light for nature, a place where you could see what that bit of Australia really looked like 200 years ago. It motivated thousands of people to get involved in conservation and it was THE place to take international guests to see wildlife in a natural setting.

Where will we go now?

1 comment:

  1. I agree that this is a very sad day for nature lovers in SA. I myself have been to Warrawong on several occasions and thought the place was fantastic. Being from overseas the place really blew my mind. I had never seen anything like it.
    The reasons for keeping Warrawong alive should go beyond just profits. It's an example of what should be happening and the lengths we need to go to in order to preserve our very delicate eco system.
    This should not just be about money!!
