About Us

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We gather and publish a wide range of links to nature related news from 400 sources, including government, councils, environmental groups, companies and media outlets. We cover many nature related topics including; conservation, rejuvenation, wildlife, agriculture and food, energy and mining, climate change, business, politics, transport, weather, technology, science, health, education, art and more. You can 'Follow by Email' to receive a daily update in your inbox, or 'Like' us on Facebook. If you have an idea for a story please let us know. johnrm26466@hotmail.com

BLOG UPDATE - Month Three

It has been three months since my first news post on this blog.

If you have ANY feedback I would love to hear it. 'Comment' on this post or send me an email: johnrm26466@hotmail.com

Activity over the past three months...for those that care!


which includes 1,317 views in Australia, 1,329 in U.S., 128 in Germany, 69 in France and 63 in U.K.

and small amounts of views in South Korea, Malaysia, Ukraine, Canada, South Africa, Ecuador, China, Dominican Republic, France, Italy, Turkey, Romania, Sweden, Nigeria, Poland, Russia, Japan, India, Singapore, Cote d'ivoire, Taiwan, Costa Rica, Ghana, Indonesia, Romania, Venezuela and Kazakhstan.

90 posts

Average 34 views per day. This average has dropped by a small amount, due to the fact I believe that I have not posted every day.

Best day yet was 124 views in February.

If I keep getting views I will keep doing this blog. Environment groups are receiving extra web site traffic through this blog and for me that is mission accomplished, just need to multiply! Please help me by sharing this blog with your friends and acquaintances.

Thanks to the professionals and groups that write and produce all these stories, great work!

Thanks to Google and Blogger.com for making this possible at all.


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