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Cuttlefish Country's director Dan Monceaux calls for urgent support for protection of the Giant Australian Cuttlefish in Northern Spencer Gulf's waters. Population estimates suggest the unique breeding aggregation could be lost by 2015.

Murray Darling Basin Plan now a reality.

Great whites bite more often than thought.

The community on Kangaroo Island, off the coast of South Australia, say numbers of feral peacocks are getting out of control.

Researchers have headed to Leigh Creek in South Australia's north to investigate reports of European carp in the area.

Southern Blue Fin Tuna are at risk of being just as overfished as their northern relatives.

With sightings of feral pigs now confirmed, the Department of Water, Environment and Natural Resources (or DEWNR) is working with landholders to make sure these pests don't become part of the wetlands.

River Murray wetlands disconnected from water at the height of the drought are enjoying a resurgence of flora and fauna.

The Barbara Hardy Institute presents Distinguished Lecturer Professor Robert Costanza to discuss "Solutions for a Sustainable and Desirable Future" in April.

Brookfield Conservation Park - a model for community management of public land.

A new publication, Innovation for 21st Century Conservation, has been released which provides examples of ways to achieve ecosystem and species conservation through creating new partnerships and models for establishment of protected areas.

Seeing as though the animals of Arid Recovery are nocturnal and quite elusive, the use of heat censored remote cameras are ideal as they are relatively non-intrusive, do not appear to affect animal behaviour, and provide large quantities of data while minimising the time spent in the field by staff.

Baby wallabies start doing the "Australian crawl" while still in their mother's womb, high-resolution ultrasounds reveal for the first time.

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