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Tuesday, 5th March 2013


The chief economist of international oil giant BP, says there needs to more discussion about the implications of coal seam gas drilling and extraction. Christof Ruhl says the natural gas energy source is too plentiful and too precious not to use. He also says BP has to do things better after the disastrous oil spill off the Gulf of Mexico in 2010.

123 records set in 90 days. Climate change is putting our weather on steroids.

Kangaroo Island Council has rejected a proposal to create more conservation parks on the island. The South Australian Environment Department wants to proclaim two new parks and increase the size of five others, over a total area of 580 hectares.

Authorities hope to establish within a day or two why thousands of fish were found dead on Eyre Peninsula in South Australia. Thousands of young leather jackets washed up in the Port Neill area.

Fisheries officers are investigating the discovery of a shark corpse with the jaws removed. The four-metre great white was found at September Beach in Lincoln National Park on lower Eyre Peninsula in South Australia.

THE Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary says it will take legal action against people found attacking the Port River dolphins, and is encouraging people to report dangerous behaviour.

The quality of drinking water in South Australia is now covered by new regulations.

A push by Coles to reshape the free-range egg market through a dramatic reduction in space for hens has come under fire, after two animal welfare groups questioned whether the eggs are genuinely free-range.

One of the world's rarest birds has had its best breeding season in years. There were fears for the Orange Bellied Parrot after only one bird was spotted during the winter conservation counts across South Australia and Victoria.

Catastrophic bushfires, damaging rain and the most intense heatwave on record this summer are just a taste of what climate change will bring, a new report says.

Restrictions have been imposed on fishing in the Lake Eyre Basin. A new management plan includes a framework for the commercial, recreational and traditional Aboriginal fishing sectors.

Sending goats to market has now become easier and more cost effective for landholders in the Flinders Ranges.

Out of sight and out of mind for most people, thousands of horses are slaughtered in Australian abattoirs and knackeries each year — with many exported for human consumption.

A great day was had by all at Cleland Wildlife Park for Parks Week. Hundreds of families turned out to get amongst the celebrations.

Trees For Life has a new bushcare site at Flinders University. If you want to be involved in caring for the site - and learning about biodiversity and bush regeneration - a one day workshop is being held at the campus on April 6. If you just want to visit the site for a few hours to see what bush regeneration involves, we're holding a Come n Try day at the Flinders Uni.

Would you love to get outdoors and celebrate the start of Autumn by doing some hands-on environmental conservation? We invite you to join our Lochiel Park team this Saturday.

Come down to Henley Square on Friday 15th March to see this fantastic movie: Described as An 'Inconvenient Truth' meets 'Super Size Me'; The Clean Bin Project

FREE field day - RABBITS and FOXES: a common pest; Wasleys, Mid North; 9 March

An Echidna takes a dip

Visit Adelaide Zoo’s Zoomobile at the Kid’s Fringe for a fun, hands-on experience where children will see, touch and learn about some of the unique creatures at Adelaide Zoo.

Help care for the Port River and its dolphins by joining the Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary Volunteer Group Steering Committee.

Clean Up Australia Day


Seafish Tasmania, the operator of a super trawler that has been banned from fishing in Australian waters, has surrendered the ship's Australian registration.

The Sun Laurel has now turned around and is heading south again and this can only indicate that the Nisshin Maru has also turned and is heading south. Although there are very few days left in the whaling season, there is still the possibility that the Nisshin Maru can refuel and return for a few days of whaling.

A Federal Court judge has ruled the Northern Territory's container deposit scheme is illegal under Commonwealth law.

Environmentalists say the Federal Government's decision to approve seismic testing off Victoria's south-west coast could endanger blue whale populations.

Victorian Senator Richard Di Natale of the Australian Greens has defended the role of science in policymaking during the debate on the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment (Excessive Noise from Wind Farms) Bill.

According to recent research conducted by the Clean Energy Council, wind farming has reportedly generated more than $4 billion in investment in Australia since its introduction. Much of this investment has been in rural and regional towns.

Conservationists have warned against moves to weaken environmental protections for NSW’s forests, in the wake of a controversial decision by the Queensland Government [1] to open more than a million hectares of protected forests to logging.

Wildlife campaigner Bob Irwin has made a rare public appeal, calling for a stop to the killing of dugongs and turtles by Aborigines.

Wildlife carers on the Fraser Coast are worried many endangered animals were severely affected in the recent floods in south-east Queensland.

Last year a young green turtle was found washed up and in agony on a lonely stretch of beach on the Great Barrier Reef. Too weak to swim or feed the turtle was not far from death. She was just one of an estimated 1,800 turtles that have suffered the same fate in the past year. Something is wrong on the Reef and turtles are paying the price.

Narrabri's sixth annual Carp Muster has hauled in over half-a-tonne of the exotic pest.

Are environmental impact assessments (EIAs) achieving what they were designed to achieve? Do they do a good job of protecting Australia’s diverse environments and their inhabitants for future generations? If not, what can be done to improve them?

North Queensland manta rays - the angels of the ocean - are in boom numbers feeding on a post-flood surge in plankton on the Great Barrier Reef.

A female southern elephant seal has been delighting Maria Island staff and visitors since it arrived last Wednesday.

A conservation enclosure for an endangered nocturnal species of wallaby, the mala, has been rebuilt at Kings Canyon in central Australia.

On a perfect autumn day, The Age newspaper hired a seaplane to fly Bob Brown down to the Gordon River, along with journalist Adam Morton and a photographer from The Age.

The NSW Department of Planning & Infrastructure is reviewing the future of our natural areas - protect for the future or erase for development? Our wider community treasures its natural environment, and together we need to let them know that we want our natural areas protected from inappropriate development.

WetlandCare Australia partners, BirdLife Australia and Byron Bird Buddies are holding a workshop about the Conservation of Beach-nesting Birds in Byron Bay, 3rd April 

Katherine locals were out in force in Nitmiluk National Park for Parks Week 2013 celebrations

Clean Up Australia Day

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