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Thursday, 7th March 2013


People of Adelaide have again brought Port Augusta’s push for solar thermal to the attention of government ministers, however this time Prime Minister Julia Gillard was the target audience.

A few weeks after becoming the Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, Mr Ian Hunter has visited the Natural Resources Centre in Murray Bridge.

Today South Australians will join a national call to federal MPs to control the reckless fossil fuel expansion taking place across the country. 

Australia's mining exploration industry is now officially in decline.

The Civil Contractors Federation has welcomed a forestry study designed to stimulate the south-east South Australian economy but says action is needed.

History is in the process of being made at the Adelaide University. More than $50 million is being invested into a new animal research centre at the university's Roseworthy campus.

In a move to further safeguard snapper stocks, PIRSA Fisheries and Aquaculture has released a proposal to introduce snapper special closures for public consultation.

Murray's death by a thousand cuts.

Arid Recovery is opening up the reserve for members of the public to see the environment the organisation protects. The first tour will be held next month when the reserve officially opens to the public.

SARDI Sustainable Systems has received funding to look at ways to reduce sheep and cow "burps," the source of much of Australia's greenhouse gas emissions.

Industry groups, the RSPCA and Government have highlighted the importance of animal welfare standards in giving consumers greater confidence in the livestock industry.

Environmental & Biodiversity Services (EBS) is pleased to announce the launch of a new service - EBS Heritage. EBS Heritage provides cultural heritage services incorporating Indigenous, European and built heritage.

Eyre Peninsula’s land, water, coast and marine managers are now being invited to submit. NRM project proposals to access funding opportunities should they become available.

Here is a list of Adelaide restaurants currently with shark fin soup on their menu.

Petition to the South Australian Government: Stop the closure of Warrawong Wildlife Sanctuary in South Australia.

"Joy" - one of the many wombats rescued and brought back to health by Wombat Awareness Organisation. Brigitte Stevens will be bringing two wombats to our AGM for you to meet.

Hairy Nosed Day is on the 11th of May each year. Following a successful launch in 2012, The Wombat Foundation is urging all Australians to Wear Whiskers for Wildlife next Hairy Nosed Day.


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