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We gather and publish a wide range of links to nature related news from 400 sources, including government, councils, environmental groups, companies and media outlets. We cover many nature related topics including; conservation, rejuvenation, wildlife, agriculture and food, energy and mining, climate change, business, politics, transport, weather, technology, science, health, education, art and more. You can 'Follow by Email' to receive a daily update in your inbox, or 'Like' us on Facebook. If you have an idea for a story please let us know. johnrm26466@hotmail.com


Kangaroo Island is one of our most significant wilderness places and home to a thriving, close-knit community ... and it is under threat from offshore oil & gas. Check out the video by the Australian Greens, we only have a few days to register our concern.

Adelaide University research has ascertained overgrazing and invasive weeds are the likely key contributors for wombat deaths in the Murraylands.

The first major review of South Australia's list of declared weeds in more than two decades is due for completion early next year.

A group of islanders have come together to express its concern about the survival of the Little Penguin colonies on Kangaroo Island.

A rare fish species has been sighted at False Bay, near Whyalla in South Australia, a long way from its other known habitat.

A Senate inquiry into the health effects of air pollution will see Port Augusta’s coal-fired power stations take the spotlight later this month.

Flinders University hopes to convert seaweed into a range of high-value products including food, cosmetics and medicinal compounds in a new partnership with a Chinese corporation.

Elliston is set to spend more than $1.7 million significantly upgrading its coastal trails, making them a valuable recreation and tourism asset for the region.

Record dry conditions across the South Australian interior

Activist Skillshare program announced- time to get excited!

Sea Shepherd Adelaide is doing a fresh food run to the ships next week. Please email
adelaide@seashepherd.org.au if you are able to donate food or money.

Southern Australia is home to some of the most biodiverse and endemic temperate marine life in the world, including the leafy sea dragon. Specimens, images and a marine biologist will contribute to an enlightening experience at Normanville, 13th and 14th April..

This month Trees for Life want you to send in your water saving tips to win a copy of SA Water's 'Captain Plop Water Saving Mission' books and 'Creating a Wildlife Friendly Garden' from Urban Forests.

Mount Gambier's Bailee Caldwell became a Facebook sensation in recent weeks when she used her sixth birthday celebrations to raise a staggering three weeks worth of dog and cat food for the city's animal shelter.

Hitch hiking is a fun way to travel, meet people while working to save the environment according to two young people travelling through Murray Bridge last week.

1 comment:

  1. great video on the plight of ki wildlife
