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Wednesday, 2nd January 2013


South Australian swimmers had a New Year's scare with shark sightings forcing the closure of two popular beaches yesterday.

Farmers in South Australia's mallee are calling for more research and funding into frost-tolerant crops after snap-frosts cost some growers up to 70 per cent of their crop this season.

RSPCA Australia recently released 'RSPCA Australia Animal Welfare Guidelines - Beef Cattle.'

It's been very busy in Monarto Zoo's carnivore department lately.

Dodging kangaroos, emus and even dingos is a normal part of a day's work for a Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) pilot in the far west.

In October Dr Wendy Foster, Rebecca Ma and Elaine Bensted traveled to China to meet with Chinese partners working on the Giant Panda program and of course, some pandas!

Birds SA are having a field trip to Goolwa on Saturday 12th January.


The Australian government has vowed to continue its fight against all forms of whaling as Japan's whaling fleet leaves for its annual hunt in the Southern Ocean.

New authority takes over south-east Qld water responsibilities.

Xstrata Coal mine job cuts alarm town.

A record number of saltwater crocodiles were removed from Top End waters during 2012.

More canisters containing a potentially lethal chemical have washed up on Queensland beaches.

For half an hour on New Year’s Day the ocean at Bondi Beach was empty of swimmers. Thousands stood frozen on the sand and stared out to sea as helicopters and patrol boats scanned the coastline for a shark.

Coal seam gas: just another land use in a big country.

The Sea Shepherd ship the Sam Simon is expected to hit the high seas in the next week or so.

A diplomatic headache is developing for the federal government as ground is laid for the wanted Sea Shepherd leader, Paul Watson, to come ashore in Australia.

Growers call for return of Riverina Citrus levies.

An animal rescue group says the number of bearded dragons it is looking after has more than doubled in the past two years.

Volunteer fire fighters under pressure as 'lifestylers' move to rural blocks.

Cabinet documents open window on 30 years ago.

Aquaculture's forgotten fish.

It's been a landmark year for the animals. Public and media concern for the 500 million sentient beings that are mass-produced for food each year in Australia has never been higher and is now backed in some instances by regulatory muscle.


A large drill ship belonging to the oil company Shell ran aground off Alaska on Monday night after drifting in stormy weather.

A convoy of cars carrying protesters has driven across Malaysia in the latest demonstration against an Australian rare earths plant that activists claim will produce dangerous radioactive waste.

European Union carbon permits slumped for a fourth year in five as slow economic output in the region curbed demand and offset supply surged.

Fracking, the technology that opened up America's vast deposits of unconventional oil and gas, has moved beyond remote locations and landed at the front door, with oil operations now planned or under way in suburbs, mid-sized towns and large metropolitan areas.

China's economic boom has resulted in its coral reefs shrinking by at least 80 per cent over the past 30 years.

Nearly 62 per cent of the United States was gripped by drought, as of December 25, and "exceptional" drought enveloped parts of Kansas, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico, according to the US Drought Monitor.

A passenger train killed five elephants when it ploughed into a herd crossing railway tracks in eastern India.

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